Steve Roberts, NABOB Member & USBC Board Member, Joins National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 2024 Board of Directors

National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Announces 2024 Board of Directors Election Results
Greeley, Colo. — The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) is proud to announce the results of the 2024 Board of Directors’ elections. The Board consists of 11 members who provide expert guidance and oversight to ensure professional competency and public safety through excellence in testing.
At the recent Annual Meeting, two District Directors were reelected by state delegates for a three-year term:
- District III Director: Dr. Gary DiBenedetto
- District V Director: Dr. Danita Thomas Heagy
Additionally, the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) appointed two Directors to the NBCE: Dr. Karen Campion and Dr. Robert Daschner.
Following the appointment of the FCLB Directors, the NBCE Board of Directors reelected two At-Large Directors to serve a two-year term: Dr. Margaret Freihaut
and Col. Steven C. Roberts, J.D., LL.M
The Board of Directors then elected the following officers who will serve as the Executive Committee for the coming year:
- Dr. Karlos Boghosian – President and At-Large Director
- Dr. Jason Jaeger – Vice President and District IV Director
- Dr. Margaret Freihaut – Treasurer and At-Large Director
- Dr. Carol Winkler – Secretary and At-Large Director
These distinguished individuals bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their respective roles, ensuring the NBCE remains committed to our vision, where Doctors of Chiropractic are universally regarded as highly qualified, competent professionals.
The NBCE recognizes the ongoing contributions of current board members, including:
- District I Director: Dr. James Buchanan (Wyoming)
- District II Director: Dr. LeRoy F. Otto (Minnesota)
The NBCE extends its heartfelt congratulations to all elected and appointed Directors.
Their dedication and leadership will undoubtedly advance the NBCE towards fulfilling its purpose: To strengthen public confidence in the Chiropractic profession and its vital contribution to lifelong well-being.
For more information, please visit